Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

How to Make Kimchi

Kimchi is typical of Korean pickled cabbage that uses as its main raw material. making kimchi is one way to preserve vegetables that can still consume vegetable chicory great when the snow fell and no plants were growing at the time.
Kimchi has a very distinctive smell and sharp. It was caused by a perfect fermentation process and the use of garlic and chili seasoning dominant. The following will explain how to make kimchi in Indonesia so although we can also keep trying to make kimchi are included in one of the healthiest foods in the world, let alone all the raw materials are also available here.



• 1 piece of white mustard, wash (or can also use white radish)
• 2 tbsp salt
• 1/2 tbsp grated garlic
• 1 tablespoon minced chili
• 1/2 tsp sugar
• 1 teaspoon chili powder
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• 1 tablespoon salt
• 1/2 tsp ginger, grated
• 1/2 tsp fish sauce

How to make kimchi:
1. Open bud leaf mustard, then sprinkle salt on each blossom
2. Let stand for 6 hours. New then washed
3. After that, cut into 4 cm long pieces mustard
4. Mix mustard with garlic, minced chili, chili powder, lemon juice, grated ginger, fish sauce, and salt

5. Let sit overnight and kimchi ready to be enjoyed

reference :

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